Monday, May 8, 2017

Parenting is exhausting

Lots of things are exhausting: war, illness, family strife, parenting, watching t-ball for two hours... they are all just exhausting in totally different ways and cannot be compared equally.  Tonight, for me it is parenting, not just my children, but myself - just taking care of things.  It is 11:23 and I am knee-deep in accounting for the family business and I know I need some sleep so tomorrow, I can be present to my students in the classroom, my children after school, and my husband after work, and oh-yes, ME through all of it.  Deep breaths and drinking water help a lot.  So does time management and eating food - I am not even going to go so far as eating well - just eating will do the trick at this point in my life!  I have great abundance in love and support which help immeasurably as does reading tid-bits from other strung out parents because I like to know I am not in it alone because even as a parenting coach and educator, some days, my best is not really my best. 

So, with my parenting coach and educator hat on, I am here to say:

Please be gentle on yourself and on each other, and while going through the mire and the flowered fields of life, parenting, marriage, single-hood, work, and self-care remember to decide, "Is this worth my time and effort?" and if it is, give it  your all, and if it is not, give it up.

Accounting? It is worth my all, but my all ran out about 28 minutes ago and now getting a good night's rest is going to get my all (so tomorrow, those who need my presence can have it right there ready for them).

What will get your all and presence today, and what will be given up?

All Good Things,