Monday, May 8, 2017

Parenting is exhausting

Lots of things are exhausting: war, illness, family strife, parenting, watching t-ball for two hours... they are all just exhausting in totally different ways and cannot be compared equally.  Tonight, for me it is parenting, not just my children, but myself - just taking care of things.  It is 11:23 and I am knee-deep in accounting for the family business and I know I need some sleep so tomorrow, I can be present to my students in the classroom, my children after school, and my husband after work, and oh-yes, ME through all of it.  Deep breaths and drinking water help a lot.  So does time management and eating food - I am not even going to go so far as eating well - just eating will do the trick at this point in my life!  I have great abundance in love and support which help immeasurably as does reading tid-bits from other strung out parents because I like to know I am not in it alone because even as a parenting coach and educator, some days, my best is not really my best. 

So, with my parenting coach and educator hat on, I am here to say:

Please be gentle on yourself and on each other, and while going through the mire and the flowered fields of life, parenting, marriage, single-hood, work, and self-care remember to decide, "Is this worth my time and effort?" and if it is, give it  your all, and if it is not, give it up.

Accounting? It is worth my all, but my all ran out about 28 minutes ago and now getting a good night's rest is going to get my all (so tomorrow, those who need my presence can have it right there ready for them).

What will get your all and presence today, and what will be given up?

All Good Things,

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Parents: No Need to Feel Guilty

Here is some support from INCAF (International Network for Children and Families)

When we see choice, we see options, and we see more control. Read on for more.  -Britta 

Parents: No Need to Feel Guilty

One thing that saps our energy the most is feeling guilty. We feel
guilty that we don't spend enough time with our kids, that we didn't get the laundry done, that we didn't bring homemade cupcakes to our child's school's birthday celebration. (Are you feeling tired yet? I am!)
When we feel guilty ...we tell ourselves negative things about ourselves...I'm lazy, I am not a good mom, we compare ourselves to our friends and then we feel even worse...more tired and more drained.
Parenting Practice: INSTEAD Take one thing that you feel guilty about. Ask yourself, "Is it true that I don't spend enough time with the kids? If yes, take action! Get your calendar out and make an appointment with your child to go bike riding or for a walk in the woods (you get the doesn't take a lot of time or a lot  of money.) If it is not true, let it go (sing the theme from Frozen boldly, at the top of your lungs) get your mind focused on something you love or brings you joy. Or if it is something you don't really want to do...don't do it or find some other way to make it happen. Find some one who has time to make the homemade cupcakes!
Guilt not only saps your energy but it also hangs over you like a dark cloud and makes you a not fun person to be around. In addition, you tend to use guilt to motivate  other people around you like your kids or your spouse. Remember you have a choice. You choose what to dwell on.
Pass this on to a friend who you could benefit from this.

International Network for Children and Families |

Parenting in the New Year

Hello All!

2017 is here and with it, family, love, dinners, lunches, cut fingers, work meetings, dirty laundry, clean laundry (is it folded yet?!), and all the little bits and pieces in between.  That is to say:

Happy New Year to you!!!!

I have never been a Resolution sort of a gal, but this year, I resolve to write on this blog more.

Parenting is tough people. It is also amazing.  It stretches us, it crunches us, it loves on us.   If I had no children, I would sleep more and ski more and read more - it does not sound that glamorous, ok maybe it does, but anyway, I hope all of you in that boat have some fun and R&R for me!  In the mean time, I will keep my kids and keep working on patience, empathy, unconditional love and redirecting children's behavior without anger, harsh words, or underhanded punishment.

Let the new year roll!

Good Things,